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Forumlarda Link Gizleme Döküman
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#78 |
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Age: 33
Otomatik link Gizleme..
system/fonksiyon.php a? alttakini bul Kod: global $L, $skin, $sys, $cfg, $sed_groups; Alt?na Ekle Kod: /* Gizli Link CoraHack Kaan */ $text=hge_correct_ed2k_link($text); $hge_hiddentext = hge_test_hidden_acces(); /* Gizli Link CoraHack Kaan */ Alttakini bul Kod: $bbcodes = array( '\\[colleft\\]([^\\[]*)\\[/colleft\\]' => '<div class="colleft">\\1</div>', '\\[colright\\]([^\\[]*)\\[/colright\\]' => '<div class="colright">\\1</div>', '\\[center\\]([^\\[]*)\\[/center\\]' => '<div style="text-align:center;">\\1</div>', '\\[right\\]([^\\[]*)\\[/right\\]' => '<div style="text-align:right;">\\1</div>', '\\[left\\]([^\\[]*)\\[/left\\]' => '<div style="text-align:left;">\\1</div>', '\\[c1\\:([^\\[]*)\\]([^\\[]*)\\[c2\\:([^\\[]*)\\]([^\\[]*)\\[c3\\]' => '<table style="margin:0; vertical-align:top; width:100%;"><tr><td style="padding:8px; vertical-align:top; width:\\1%;">\\2</td><td style="padding:8px; vertical-align:top; width:\\3%;">\\4</td></tr></table>', Alt?na ekle Kod: /* Gizli Link CoraHack Kaan */ '\\[hide\\]([^\\[]*)\\[/hide\\]' => $hge_hiddentext /* Gizli Link CoraHack Kaan */ Alttakini bul Kod: function sed_load_structure() ?stekinin ?st?ne Alttakileri ekle Kod: function hge_corrected_link($matches) { //this is a callback function for preg_replace_callback to //strip all unwanted characters that break ed2k links // //-- REMINDER: stripping of ' fails for unknown reason --> there is a %03 visible in link. $text_in_front = '[img]images/EzelLinkIcon.gif[/img] [url=AAAA://|file|'; $matches[2] = preg_replace("#[\f\n\r\t]|\x39;#is","",$matches[2]); $matches[2] = preg_replace("#[\[\]\(\)+]|(%20)#is",".",$matches[2]); $matches[2] = preg_replace('(\.+)','.',$matches[2]); $filesize = ' ('.number_format((((float)$matches[3])/(1024*1024)),2).') MB'; return $text_in_front.$matches[2].'|'.$matches[3].'|'.$matches[4].'|/]'.$matches[2].'[/url]'.$filesize; } function hge_correct_ed2k_link($text) { //structure and clean up ed2k-link and make sure old-style links are not affected in the wrong way. //the trick with setting to AAAA is needed to prevent the two different link-types of interference $text = preg_replace_callback('#(\[url=ed2k://\|file\|)(.+?)\|(.+?)\|(.+?)\|/\](.+?)\[/url\]#is','hge_corrected_link',$text); $text = preg_replace_callback('#(ed2k://\|file\|)(.+?)\|(.+?)\|(.+?)\|/#is','hge_corrected_link',$text); $text = preg_replace('#\[url=AAAA://\|file\|#is','[url=ed2k://|file|',$text); return ($text); } function hge_test_hidden_acces() { global $db_forum_posts, $usr; //Hide option get needed constants from URL; LDU way for using $_GET if (!defined('SED_CODE')) { die('Wrong URL.'); } $m = sed_import('m','G','STX'); /* testing for acces to hidden content -- currently only when requesting forum or post */ $RequestedTopic = 0; $hge_hiddentext = '<b>Linkleri G?rmek i?in Konuya Cevap Yazmal?s?n?z.</b> <i>CoreHack <font color="red">Kaan</font></i>'; if (!empty($m) && ($m == 'posts')) { //get other variables -- if put earlier it gives unintended warnings in the logfile $q = sed_import('q','G','INT'); $p = sed_import('p','G','INT'); if (!empty($q)) { $RequestedTopic = $q; } elseif (!empty($p)) { $RequestedPost = $p; $sql = sed_sql_query("SELECT fp_topicid FROM $db_forum_posts WHERE fp_id=$RequestedPost"); if ($row = sed_sql_fetcharray($sql)) { $RequestedTopic = $row['fp_topicid']; } } if ($RequestedTopic>0) { $sql = sed_sql_query("SELECT fp_posterid FROM $db_forum_posts WHERE fp_topicid=$RequestedTopic"); while ($row = sed_sql_fetcharray($sql)) { if ($usr['id'] == ($row['fp_posterid'])) { $hge_hiddentext = '<div style="text-align:left;">\\1</div>'; break; } } } } return ($hge_hiddentext); } Alttakini bulun Kod: '\\[url=([^\\\'\;([]*)\\]([^\\[]*)\\[/url\\]' => '<a href="\\1">\\2</a>', '\\[url\\]([^\\([]*)\\[/url\\]' => '<a href="\\1">\\1</a>', Alttakiyle degi?tirin Kod: '\\[url=([^\\\'\;([]*)\\]([^\\[]*)\\[/url\\]' => '[hide]<a href="\\1">\\2</a>[/hide]', '\\[url\\]([^\\([]*)\\[/url\\]' => '[hide.]<a href="\\1">\\1</a>[./hide]', system/core/forums/forums.posts.inc.php yi a??n alttakini bulun Kod: if ($row4 = sed_sql_fetcharray($sql4)) Alt?na Ekleyin. Kod: /* Al?nt? Yap?lmaz */ $StrippedText = preg_replace('#\[hide\](.+?)\[/hide\]#is','[b]Gizli Link Al?nt? yap?lamaz[/b]',$row4['fp_text']); /* Al?nt? Yap?lmaz */ Not: Hide Bulunan Yerlere . (nokta) ekledim gizli link uygulamas? oldugu i?in sitemizde. |
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