T3 ModCP Moderation
This plugin isn't an auto-pilot you will be the admin, consider this plugin as a tool to help you do this job.
T3 Modcp is an easy tool to manage your sites content and members. This plugin isnt created to replace your moderators actions, it will mainly help you to do this job.
Features :
Easy management of the reports & warnings reasons.
Ability to add custom reasons for warnings.
Posts, Pages, Comments and Users reports.
Automatically generated item snapshot during report.
Easy and smart navigation in the backend with paginated results. (sedplus inc)
Open, close, delete reports.
Activate, archive, edit, delete warnings.
Active and total warnings counter for each user.
Users cant report themselves.
Auto notify warned users.
Full logging of the mods actions with the seditio logs system.
Cached header notices.
Display active warnings in users profile.
Ability to sort warnings and reports by the warned and the reporter.
Read The
readme.html inside the plugs folder.