Well: A month passed, much has been done, much more remains to be done.
We present ş Seditio 173.
1) Comments and ratings
ş Comments and ratings can be enabled or disabled for specific categories.
ş Can be enabled or disabled commenting and rating change for individual pages.
ş Pagination comments.
ş Users can edit their comments, within a certain time (optional), after a comment creation..
ş Sort comments: new top or bottom.
2) Pages
ş Ability autovalidation page when it is created. (for users with administrative rights on section)
ş In BBCode Mode ş to choose the type of parsing when creating a page (for users with administrative rights on section)
3) Plug-ins
ş In The news plugin comes pagination & filter by sub category.
ş CKeditor updated to version 3.6.5
ş CKeditor now able to define the interface language of the user's profile. (optional).
ş CKeditor now works in the form of commenting on polls.
ş Multihooks.
ş Improved localization options plugins.
ş Changed Textboxer2 panel buttons.
ş Fixed a conflict preview page in the skin Artic
ş In the Filter Jevix was added trusted CSS styles.
ş Fixed a bug with the current loss of a directory for the call of the ob_start() callback function sed_outputfilters()
4) Administration
ş Ability to override the default skin directly from the control panel.
ş Correction of pagination in referrals.
ş Minor changes connected with the rights.
5) Smilies
ş Replaced Standard emoticons
6) Upgrade
ş Write a generic SQL database upgrade script with all versions Seditio to 173 versions.
7) New
ş Module RSS feeds: Export pages, comments, forum topics.
ş Ability to use header.tpl tags {HEADER_MAINTITLE} and {HEADER_SUBTITLE}
Can be used as the old:
and new: