28-03-2024 17:01
03-12-2022 11:43
21-10-2023 11:18
02-11-2022 09:50
Bu Özellik Sadece Seditio 120+ ve 177'ye kadar olan sürümlerde geçerli.
Öncelikle Attach eklentisini buradan indiriyoruz.
Daha sonra attach/inc/function.php yi açıyoruz.
Alttakini buluyoruz. function att_add
function att_add($type, $item_id, $parent_id, $var_name, $title) { global $cfg, $usr, $db_attach; if(!sed_auth('plug', 'attach', 'W')) return $L['att_err_perms']; $extp = @strrpos($_FILES[$var_name]['name'], '.') + 1; $ext = strtolower(@substr($_FILES[$var_name]['name'], $extp, strlen($_FILES[$var_name]['name']) - $extp)); if(!($err = att_upload_err($var_name, $ext))) { // This is done in 2 steps, otherwise we may run into race condition $title = att_filter($title); $img = (int) in_array($ext, array('gif', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'png')); sed_sql_query("INSERT INTO $db_attach (att_user, att_type, att_parent, att_item, att_path, att_ext, att_img, att_size, att_title, att_count) VALUES ({$usr['id']}, '$type', $parent_id, $item_id, '', '$ext', $img, {$_FILES[$var_name]['size']}, '$title', 0)"); if(sed_sql_affectedrows() == 1) { $id = sed_sql_insertid(); $tar = preg_match('#\.tar\.(gz|bz2)#i', $_FILES[$var_name]['name']) ? '.tar' : ''; if($cfg['plugin']['attach']['userdir']) { $path = $cfg['plugin']['attach']['folder'].'/'.$usr['id']; if(!file_exists($path)) mkdir($path); $path .= '/'.$cfg['plugin']['attach']['prefix'].$id.$tar.'.'.$ext; } else $path = $cfg['plugin']['attach']['folder'].'/'.$cfg['plugin']['attach']['prefix'].$id.$tar.'.'.$ext; move_uploaded_file($_FILES[$var_name]['tmp_name'], $path); sed_sql_query("UPDATE $db_attach SET att_path = '$path' WHERE att_id = $id"); if($img) { if(!att_create_thumb($path)) { // XSS protect sed_sql_query("DELETE FROM $db_attach WHERE att_id = $id"); @unlink($path); $err = 'thumb'; } } } else $err = 'db'; } else return $err; }
Alttaki ile değiştiriyoruz.
function att_add($type, $item_id, $parent_id, $var_name, $title) { global $cfg, $usr, $db_attach; if(!sed_auth('plug', 'attach', 'W')) return $L['att_err_perms']; $extp = @strrpos($_FILES[$var_name]['name'], '.') + 1; $ext = strtolower(@substr($_FILES[$var_name]['name'], $extp, strlen($_FILES[$var_name]['name']) - $extp)); if(!($err = att_upload_err($var_name, $ext))) { // This is done in 2 steps, otherwise we may run into race condition $title = att_filter($title); $img = (int) in_array($ext, array('gif', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'png')); sed_sql_query("INSERT INTO $db_attach (att_user, att_type, att_item, att_path, att_ext, att_img, att_size, att_title, att_count) VALUES ({$usr['id']}, '$type', $item_id, '', '$ext', $img, {$_FILES[$var_name]['size']}, '$title', 0)"); if(sed_sql_affectedrows() == 1) { $id = sed_sql_insertid(); $tar = preg_match('#\.tar\.(gz|bz2)#i', $_FILES[$var_name]['name']) ? '.tar' : ''; if($cfg['plugin']['attach']['userdir']) { $path = $cfg['plugin']['attach']['folder'].'/'.$usr['id']; if(!file_exists($path)) mkdir($path); $path .= '/'.$cfg['plugin']['attach']['prefix'].$id.$tar.'.'.$ext; } else $path = $cfg['plugin']['attach']['folder'].'/'.$cfg['plugin']['attach']['prefix'].$id.$tar.'.'.$ext; //move_uploaded_file($_FILES[$var_name]['tmp_name'], $path); $tmp_name = $_FILES[$var_name]['tmp_name']; $resized_image = sed_image_resize($tmp_name, $path, '800', $ext, '90'); move_uploaded_file($resized_image, $path); sed_sql_query("UPDATE $db_attach SET att_path = '$path' WHERE att_id = $id"); if($img) { if($cfg['plugin']['attach']['thumbs'] == 1) { if(!att_create_thumb($path)) { // XSS protect sed_sql_query("DELETE FROM $db_attach WHERE att_id = $id"); @unlink($path); $err = 'thumb'; } } } } else $err = 'db'; } else return $err; }
Yine aynı dosyada Alttakini buluyoruz. function att_update
function att_update($id, $var_name, $title = '') { global $cfg, $usr, $db_attach; $title = att_filter($title); $extp = @strrpos($_FILES[$var_name]['name'], '.') + 1; $ext = strtolower(@substr($_FILES[$var_name]['name'], $extp, strlen($_FILES[$var_name]['name']) - $extp)); if(!($err = att_upload_err($var_name, $ext))) { $sql = sed_sql_query("SELECT att_path, att_user FROM $db_attach WHERE att_id = $id"); $row = sed_sql_fetcharray($sql); if($row['att_user'] != $usr['id'] && !sed_auth('plug', 'attach', 'A')) return $L['att_err_perms']; $path = $row['att_path']; @unlink($path); att_remove_thumb($path); $tar = preg_match('#\.tar\.(gz|bz2)#i', $_FILES[$var_name]['name']) ? '.tar' : ''; if($cfg['plugin']['attach']['userdir']) { $path = $cfg['plugin']['attach']['folder'].'/'.$row['att_user']; if(!file_exists($path)) mkdir($path); $path .= '/'.$cfg['plugin']['attach']['prefix'].$id.$tar.'.'.$ext; } else $path = $cfg['plugin']['attach']['folder'].'/'.$cfg['plugin']['attach']['prefix'].$id.$tar.'.'.$ext; move_uploaded_file($_FILES[$var_name]['tmp_name'], $path); $size = filesize($path); $img = (int) in_array($ext, array('gif', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'png')); $ttl = (empty($title)) ? '' : ", att_title = '$title'"; sed_sql_query("UPDATE $db_attach SET att_ext = '$ext', att_img = $img, att_size = $size, att_path = '$path'$ttl WHERE att_id = $id"); if(sed_sql_errno() > 0) $err = $L['att_err_db'].': '.sed_sql_error(); if($img) { if(!att_create_thumb($path)) $err = 'thumb'; } } elseif(!empty($title)) { sed_sql_query("UPDATE $db_attach SET att_title = '$title' WHERE att_id = $id"); if(sed_sql_affectedrows() != 1) $err = 'db'; } return $err; }
function att_update($id, $var_name, $title = '') { global $cfg, $usr, $db_attach; $title = att_filter($title); $extp = @strrpos($_FILES[$var_name]['name'], '.') + 1; $ext = strtolower(@substr($_FILES[$var_name]['name'], $extp, strlen($_FILES[$var_name]['name']) - $extp)); if(!($err = att_upload_err($var_name, $ext))) { $sql = sed_sql_query("SELECT att_path, att_user FROM $db_attach WHERE att_id = $id"); $row = sed_sql_fetcharray($sql); if($row['att_user'] != $usr['id'] && !sed_auth('plug', 'attach', 'A')) return $L['att_err_perms']; $path = $row['att_path']; @unlink($path); att_remove_thumb($path); $tar = preg_match('#\.tar\.(gz|bz2)#i', $_FILES[$var_name]['name']) ? '.tar' : ''; if($cfg['plugin']['attach']['userdir']) { $path = $cfg['plugin']['attach']['folder'].'/'.$row['att_user']; if(!file_exists($path)) mkdir($path); $path .= '/'.$cfg['plugin']['attach']['prefix'].$id.$tar.'.'.$ext; } else $path = $cfg['plugin']['attach']['folder'].'/'.$cfg['plugin']['attach']['prefix'].$id.$tar.'.'.$ext; //move_uploaded_file($_FILES[$var_name]['tmp_name'], $path); $tmp_name = $_FILES[$var_name]['tmp_name']; $resized_image = sed_image_resize($tmp_name, $path, '800', $ext, '90'); move_uploaded_file($resized_image, $path); //move_uploaded_file(sed_image_resize($_FILES[$var_name]['tmp_name'], $path, '800', $ext, '90')); $size = filesize($path); $img = (int) in_array($ext, array('gif', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'png')); $ttl = (empty($title)) ? '' : ", att_title = '$title'"; sed_sql_query("UPDATE $db_attach SET att_ext = '$ext', att_img = $img, att_size = $size, att_path = '$path'$ttl WHERE att_id = $id"); if(sed_sql_errno() > 0) $err = $L['att_err_db'].': '.sed_sql_error(); if($img) { if($cfg['plugin']['attach']['thumbs'] == 1) { if(!att_create_thumb($path)) $err = 'thumb'; } } } elseif(!empty($title)) { sed_sql_query("UPDATE $db_attach SET att_title = '$title' WHERE att_id = $id"); if(sed_sql_affectedrows() != 1) $err = 'db'; } return $err; }
Daha sonra yine aynı dosyada en alta alttakini ekleyin.
function sed_image_resize($img_big, $img_small, $small_x, $extension, $jpegquality) { if (!function_exists('gd_info')) { return; } global $cfg; switch ($extension) { case 'gif': $source = imagecreatefromgif($img_big); break; case 'png': $source = imagecreatefrompng($img_big); break; default: $source = imagecreatefromjpeg($img_big); break; } $big_x = imagesx($source); $big_y = imagesy($source); $thumb_x = $small_x; $thumb_y = floor($big_y * ($small_x / $big_x)); if ($cfg['th_amode'] == 'GD1') { $new = imagecreate($thumb_x, $thumb_y); } else { $new = imagecreatetruecolor($thumb_x, $thumb_y); } imagealphablending($new, false); //Set the blending mode for an image imagesavealpha($new, true); //Set the flag to save full alpha channel information if ($cfg['th_amode'] == 'GD1') { imagecopyresized($new, $source, 0, 0, 0, 0, $thumb_x, $thumb_y, $big_x, $big_y); } else { imagecopyresampled($new, $source, 0, 0, 0, 0, $thumb_x, $thumb_y, $big_x, $big_y); } switch ($extension) { case 'gif': imagegif($new, $img_small); break; case 'png': imagepng($new, $img_small); break; default: imagejpeg($new, $img_small, $jpegquality); break; } imagedestroy($new); imagedestroy($source); return; }
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